Top 5 Reasons to Add Aloe Vera Into Your Skin care/ Self Care Routine

Top 5 Reasons Why Aloe Vera Is Essential to Your Skin Care and Self Care Routine. 

Did you know that you may have a skin care gold mine in your front or backyard? We’re talking about the potent Aloe Vera plant.  You may ask, “what is Aloe Vera anyways?”  Aloe Vera is an all green and plastic textured like plant. At times people often get confused and think that it's a cactus. It's not a cactus, but it is a great part of the cactus family. The Aloe’s leaf branches contain a slimy and gooey center when it’s cut. The slim inside has a slightly odd smell, but it’s very beneficial in the cosmetic industry. 


Here are the Top 5 reasons why you should use Aloe Vera.  

  1.  Moisturizer 

Aloe Vera gel can be used to moisturize dry skin. Aloe Vera has vitamin A, B and C and natural minerals that helps hydrate the skin once absorbed. You can also use it before makeup application as a moisturized base. 

  1.  Makeup Remover 

Aloe Vera has moisturizing properties that doesn’t make your skin feel greasy. The Aloe Vera gels slippery substances helps the makeup slide right off of the face. Aloe Vera gel is all natural and is very helpful towards your skin due to the antibacterial properties that it contains. Aloe is not as harsh and irritating to the skin unlike other non-natural makeup removers. 


  1.  Acne Reducer/ Fighter 

Having Acne Troubles? studies have shown that using Aloe Vera daily helps clear acne by 30%. Aloe doesn’t leave your skin greasy or clog your pores. It reduces pimple and acne inflammation, causing it to be less noticeable. When it's time to wash you face just simply apply the Aloe directly on to the blemishes. 

  1.  Prevents Wrinkles

Let aging be a thing of the past! As we all get older, we tend to think about how our appearance will change over time. Did you know? that Aloe can help you with that troubling issue. Just applying at least 1 teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel daily for 3 months can significantly diminish wrinkles. As the nutrients, and vitamins absorbs into the skin, it conserves and replenishes your dermises (layers of skin) collagen and elastin. 

  1.  Treats Cold Sores 

Cold sores are extremely dry, inflamed, and irritable blisters. Aloe Vera contains amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C that treats cold sores. Applying Aloe Vera three times a day increases overall healing rates of cold sores. 

 Thank You for reading! Hope this was beneficial to all of you fabulous Goddesses! XOXO